Become a digital lobbyist!
Working for digital civil rights costs time and money. A well-funded organization is crucial for our indenpendence and vital when we need to fight for your civil rights. By backing our work financially you’re contributing to a movement working for more civil rights and against corporate lobbyists.
Yes, I want to support Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. with at least 5€ a month:
Of course one-off donations are also very welcome, you can easily stop your monthly support for us at any time. In the context of our regular transparency-activities, we publish the names of all donors who have donated more than 1.000 € a year. If you have any further questions please also have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions on the topic of donations.
Your advantages being a supporting member of Digitale Gesellschaft:
- The good feeling to support the right lobby
- help us to deend civil and consumer rights in the digital room
- 5 Euros a Month gets you a Digiges-Bag and Digiges-Stickers
- 10 Euros a month gets you a Digiges-T-Shirt in your size as well
You will receive a mail thanking you for your support. Should you not receive that, please send a mail to foerdermitglied[at]